Tips 2004

January 2004
Cooking Up Some Literacy
July 2004
Sid's Ceiling Stories
Febuary 2004
Starting an AT Interest Group
August 2004
Bookreading Displays
March 2004
Levels Based Social Scripts
September 2004
Survey Displays
April 2004
AT & 6 +1 Traits Writing
October 2004
Sites for Older Emergent Readers
May 2004
Thematic Units
November 2004
Eye Gaze Topic Setter
June 2004
December 2004
Mini Books

Cooking Up Some Literacy

By:  Caroline Musselwhite

This month's tip presents cooking activities and recipe books to support symbol uses and beginning literacy.  If you know of other great picture cookbooks, or literature-related cookbooks, please share them with us!  Bon Appetit!!

January 2004



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Starting an AT Interest Group

The Tip for this month is "Starting an AT Interest Group."  Thanks to the Topic Table Lunch Bunch at the ATIA for suggesting this.  Learn WHY to start a group, WHO, HOW to begin, and WHAT to do at meetings.  Enjoy!



February 2004

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Levels Based Social Scripts

Levels-Based Social Scripts, a.k.a. Partner-Powered Dynamic Devices!

This tip shares two strategies for using levels based devices to emulate dynamic devices. They are great ways to support students in using social scripts with simple technology, and may help convince 'powers that be' to purchase higher tech devices!

March 2004

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AT & 6 + 1 Traits  Writing

Using information gathered from Judi Cumley and Judy Sweeney, Julie compiled this month's handout.  It aligns assistive technology solutions - low tech to high tech - with 6 Traits + 1 writing. 

Visit the 6+1 Trait Writing website for more information

April 2004

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Thematic Units: Not Just for Younger Students!

This tip presents a handout describing the value of thematic units for older students, with a discussion of:
- general issues
- vocabulary support
- augmentative communication support
- support for students who are English Language Learners


May 2004

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Sabotage is a strategy used to promote initiation of communication.  Goossens', Crain & Elder (1992) have shared excellent ideas to use sabotage to support initiation of AAC device users.  This tip summarizes their ideas, and adds additional tips.

June 2004

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Sid's Ceiling Stories

If you like to read in bed, this tip is for you!  It is an innovative idea developed by a Mom (Kim) and an occupational therapist (Gretchen) to make it easy and fun for a child named Sidney to read in bed.

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Bookreading Communication Displays

By:  Caroline Musselwhite

These light tech communication displays are intended to be used to support generic bookreading.


August 2004

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Survey Displays

By:  Caroline Musselwhite

This tip presents a set of communication displays for use in giving interviews or surveys.  These blank templates can be used over and over, quickly reprogramming cells to meet the needs of a range of surveys.

September 2004

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Sites for Older Emergent Readers

By:  Julie Maro

One of my WATI colleagues Marcia Obukowicz  shared that the QIAT listserv had been discussing on-line resources for older emergent readers.  These can be found at:

October 2004

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Eye Gaze Topic Setter Page

By:  Caroline Musselwhite

Caroline developed this excellent handout which provides a light tech strategy for people who use eye gaze.  It enables them to quickly establish communication topics with familiar listeners.

November 2004

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Mini Books

By:  Caroline Musselwhite

This tip tells about Mini-books for beginning readers.  Ordering information is included for this exciting resources.

December 2004

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Our little idea guy marks the tip attachments.  They are posted in pdf format.  On the few occasions where there was more than one document to attach, we have "zipped" the files.

PDF File Information
If you don't have Acrobat Reader on your computer, go to the following site:
Contact us if you need tips in another format.