Direct Selection Light Tech Alphabets
Many students struggle with the motor act of creating written text. Some students may need to use a light tech alphabet, while continuing to work on the sensorimotor skills needed to quickly formulate hand-written text.
This tip provides background information for:
WHY we should have light tech alphabets available
WHO might use light teach alphabets
WHERE to find light tech alphabets, and which to choose
WHEN to use light tech alphabets
2017-Tip 1
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QWERTY Order Direct Select

Direct Selection Light Tech Alphabets: QWERTY Order
Many students struggle with the motor act of creating written text. Some students may need to use a light tech alphabet, while continuing to work on the sensorimotor skills needed to quickly formulate hand-written text.
This tip provides background information for:
WHY we should have light tech alphabets available
WHO might use light teach alphabets, especially the QWERTY Order version
​WHERE to find light tech alphabets, and which to choose
WHEN to use the QWERTY order direct selection alphabet
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Vocabulary Password
Gail Van Tatenhove has summarized the concept of ‘descriptive
language teaching’ as follows: “Using a descriptive style, the teacher mentions and
references the context-specific words, then teaches concepts behind the words
using high frequency, re-usable, common words” (Van Tatenhove,
2009). Vocabulary password is an activity that can be used to help students
practice using core language in an engaging, interactive format.
This tip provides background information for:
- WHAT vocabulary password is
- WHY it can be helpful
- HOW to play vocabulary password, including using fun apps to enhance engagement
LocLine/Modular Hose
PowerPoint allows you to make supports to address the different characteristics of CVI such as color preferences, need for movement, visual complexity and visual novelty.
This tip gives many tips and tricks for making PowerPoint presentations accessible to individuals with cortical visual impairment.
With guided reading, as opposed to shared reading, there is no interaction/discussion. The focus is on thinking, with more time spent on structured instruction to increase a student's listening comprehension abilities by grade level.
This tip gives examples on how to manage guided reading.